Finally! Heard the Unid Tone on 1610 kHz!
Having been unable to get to a decent radio until just now, I have not been able to participate in the "feeding frenzy" of DX'ers reporting an unidentified station carrying a test tone on 1610 kHz. Hooray! I can now join the crowd! Using my new KA-1103, I most definitely heard the tone! According to my hack, the signal is emanating from an unknown location roughly ENE from my QTH in southeast Texas.
I did not hear it without difficulty, however. There were two annoying TIS stations that I had to slightly tune away from in order to hear the tone. Hear it, though, I did!!
It's amazing how many e-mails and weblogs this tone has generated. Could it be a signal from Mars (Mars Hill, NC?) or a secret transmission from "across the pond?" One can imagine hundreds of possibilities! I will be most disappointed if the DX community finds out it was just another station doing some unscheduled transmitter tweaking, not realizing that they have generated more DX logs in a few days than ever before in recent DX history!