Southeast Texas DXer

The Exciting Adventures of a Radio DX'er from Southeast Texas

Thursday, December 14, 2006

XEABC 760 kHz Heard in Houston!

I've been hearing a very strong Mexican station on 760 kHz for the last week or so. This afternoon, I left work at 5:00 PM CST. I tuned to 760 kHz and heard WJR in Detroit. As darkness approached, WJR faded out and my thus-far unidentified Mexican station began to fade in. Over the next few minutes, I heard several mentions of "Presidente Calderon" and "la superbowl." Then I heard an announcement, "En Mexico tengo nuevo Presidento." I figured it was a Mexican station, so when I got home, I tuned in on my KA-1103. Sure enough, it was XEABC! I verified what I was hearing by using the "Haz click y escuchanos en Vivo" link on their website ( At 6:59 PM, I heard their full ID. They have a news/talk style of programming, complete with commercials almost as annoying as those on US news/talk stations! Great signals, but I've already verified them from Fort Worth.


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